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Art has always been a big part of my life but the day i got really interested in it was one time at church. i saw my cousin drawing and i tried to copy it with the same steps she used. since then i tried my best to get better at art. some time during the end of third grade and the beginning of fourth grade, i started to get migraines. the migraines were so bad i had to stay home in a dark room with nothing to do but sleep. well almost nothing. i could draw. during that time i made so much progress every day and got better and better. But also at this time i had to go to many doctors to try to make the migraines go away. during that time i found out i had adhd/add. later around the end of eighth grade my migarines started to go away and now i barley have them. it has been a long journey but one that made me a better person and artist. some of the artstyles that were inspirations for me include the danganronpa style, jjba style part 6, demon slayer, and much more.

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